The subject of teacher tenure and teacher unions has recently been a recurring topic on your show, The View. We understand and appreciate that you are pro-teacher and pro-education, but believe that your perception of due process (aka “tenure”) is incorrect and are taking the liberty of writing you to correct any inaccuracies. Please bear with us in reading our letter, as we are public school teachers, granted due process under tenure, and are dealing with an attack on public education and due process within New York State, specifically, but also
The Westbury Teachers' Association held an appreciation breakfast for the unioon workers in the Westbury School District. The WTA invited the sectretarial staff, nurses, security guards, custodial staff, teacher assistant and aids, and the food service workers to attend a breakfast at the local Applebees. It was a great morning and well-attended by those invited, as well as some family members. The members of the WTA served the Applebee's pancake breakfast with smiles and a true appreciation for all of the wonderful things these support staff members do for the teachers and the children of