NYSUT’s Education and Learning Trust (ELT) offers a remarkable array of courses designed to meet the professional, personal and career needs of our members – at very low cost. Unfortunately, many of our members do not take advantage of these opportunities because they don’t know anything about ELT. To help increase awareness of the many advantages of using ELT, NYSUT will host a Twitter Chat on Sunday, August 22nd from 8-9 PM focusing on ELT and what it does. The plan is to introduce ELT to those on social media that don’t know what it is, highlight ELT offerings that will help to provide the professional learning our members require to meet students’ post-pandemic needs, and hopefully create a greater long-term audience for ELT’s services.
The chat will be hosted by Executive VP Jolene DiBrango, along with three ELT instructors who will help moderate the conversation.